Our team of MySQL database experts regularly blogs on topics that range from MySQL availability, MySQL replication, multi-master MySQL, and MySQL-aware proxies, all the way through to ‘how to’ content for our solutions: Tungsten Clustering, Tungsten Replicator and Tungsten Proxy.
Simulating Realistic Conditions: QA for Business-critical MySQL Clustering
“Battle-tested” is the Continuent Tungsten QA (Quality Assurance) guarantee. Continuent Tungsten is a clustering and replication solution for MySQL and MariaDB used by some of the largest MySQL estates to achieve continuous MySQL operations and uptime; why? Besides the stellar support team, and fully-integrated components, customers say: “Stability,” and, “It just works.”“Battle-tested” is the Continuent Tungsten QA (Quality Assurance) guarantee. Continuent Tungsten is a clustering and replication solution for MySQL and MariaDB used by some of the largest MySQL estates to achieve continuous MySQL operations and uptime; why? Besides the stellar support team, and fully-integrated components, customers say: “Stability,” and, “It just works.”