How to achieve MySQL high availability, data protection & disaster recovery
This MySQL high availability and disaster recovery use case is based on a customer of ours who is a government-regulated lottery service consisting of a number of games of chance. Its mission is to fuel imagination - and fund education for all citizens of their state as it uses the proceeds of its activities to do so. Through its games, it has provided billions of dollars in scholarship and other such education funding for several decades.
What is the Challenge?
As is common for gambling and betting organisations, our customer faced a number of challenges and needed to have a solid infrastructure in place in order to provide its services satisfactorily. This includes:
- Ensuring 24/7/365 availability of its online gaming platform
- Handling thousands of transactions quickly and while ensuring zero downtime operations
- Running an infrastructure capable of scaling easily and cost-effectively to tens, or even hundreds of thousands of users
- Ensuring zero delay in online gambling queries and keeping gamblers engaged
In short, our customer needed 24x7 operations and to be able to perform maintenance without any disruption to their public-facing lottery website.

What is the Solution?
Composite Active/Passive Tungsten Clustering Topology – Active Cluster and DR Cluster
Our lottery customer implemented a composite master/slave Tungsten Cluster (CMS), so that their data is replicated to an offsite data center. With a simple DNS change for their application, they can easily activate the off-site datacenter. Just as importantly, the composite Tungsten Cluster makes it easy to failback when services are restored in the main production datacenter. In addition, they needed an easy method to re-provision failed nodes: with Tungsten Clustering, they can provision a node with a single command, even across data centers.
What are the Benefits?
Availability, Data Protection, Disaster Recovery

About Tungsten Clustering
Tungsten Clustering allows enterprises running business-critical MySQL database applications to cost-effectively achieve continuous operations with commercial-grade high availability (HA), geographically redundant disaster recovery (DR) and global scaling. To find out more, visit our Tungsten Clustering product page.
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