Our team of MySQL database experts regularly blogs on topics that range from MySQL availability, MySQL replication, multi-master MySQL, and MySQL-aware proxies, all the way through to ‘how to’ content for our solutions: Tungsten Clustering, Tungsten Replicator and Tungsten Proxy.
Tungsten Cluster: Command Line Superpowers — Easily Control Connector Proxy QoS
The Tungsten Connector proxy within a Tungsten Cluster is a very powerful tool, able to route traffic many different ways. The Quality Of Service (QoS) determines where the Connector proxy will send client request packets, either to the Primary for writes or to a Replica for reads. This short blog post will show you how to use the command line to control the Quality Of Service when creating a new connection to the MySQL Server database.
Tungsten University, Cluster Management, Database Administration, Intelligent Proxy