Our team of MySQL database experts regularly blogs on topics that range from MySQL availability, MySQL replication, multi-master MySQL, and MySQL-aware proxies, all the way through to ‘how to’ content for our solutions: Tungsten Clustering, Tungsten Replicator and Tungsten Proxy.
Take Control of Your Mission-Critical MySQL / MariaDB Data
It may seem arduous, but there are ways to build a database stack where you have full control of your data and data operations. For mission-critical applications that must perform continuously 24/7/365, it might make a lot of sense to consider, as there are many benefits to taking control of your mission-critical data and operations. Below are a couple important points to consider when doing an analysis of what’s best for your application and end users.
MySQL High Availability (HA) & Disaster Recovery (DR), Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Hybrid-Cloud