The Percona marketing team is being very clever again: Is Mongo Wrongo?

I am sure that in some corners open-source users are celebrating Percona freeing them from the tyranny of yet another open-source provider - this time it is MongoDB. But I can’t help myself, to me this is the worst kind of the abuse that open-source enables.
Instead of contributing back to the original project, and in that way benefitting the project as a whole, Percona takes over smaller open-source projects (such as Galera) and larger open source projects (MySQL, MongoDB), then adds some small enhancements, especially when compared to the work done by the original developers, slaps its own name on it, and proceeds to make some negative comments against those who have done the hardest work.
Fair? You decide!
After being involved with the open-source space for some two decades and seeing closely some of its giants - such as Linus Thorvald (a Finn), Monty Widenius (a Finn), David Axmark (a Swede) in action - I have to admit that I prefer the Scandinavian way to build and manage open-source projects over Peter’s way of thinking. Peter the Great always says that he is doing what is the best for the customers. Naturally only after what is the best for him, with no regard for the original developers of the code.
Continuent has worked hard to improve the MySQL platform's ability to run business- and mission-critical applications for almost 20 years. We would never subject ourselves to this type of abuse, hence we proudly remain a commercial, proprietary license.
We know that even with the commercial license we create significant value-add for MySQL users, at the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO). When calculating TCO, the software alone is not the only cost to consider. In addition to the software cost (which is supposedly free when using open-source), there are internal development costs, external consulting costs, higher database administration costs, 24/7 support costs, and the high probability for lost revenue when using a solution that is not complete, fully-tested and proven.
Yeah, as a full disclosure, I am also a Finn, thus biased. We Finns have a very deeply rooted sense of justice, and a pretty direct way of communicating. So, when we see something wrong, we call it out. It is ultimately up to you to judge whether you feel that I am right or wrong.
In the meantime, please support the original developers of the code!
Smooth sailing,
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