Our team of MySQL database experts regularly blogs on topics that range from MySQL availability, MySQL replication, multi-master MySQL, and MySQL-aware proxies, all the way through to ‘how to’ content for our solutions: Tungsten Clustering, Tungsten Replicator and Tungsten Proxy.
New Release! Tungsten Version 7.0 Now Available
We are pleased to announce that Tungsten Clustering and Tungsten Replicator GA versions 7.0 are now available. This new major release includes the Tungsten RESTful API (API v2.0), enhanced security, monitoring, performance, management, new commands, a new and improved Dashboard, and new Dynamic Active/Active (DAA) topology. Tungsten v7.0 is the culmination of years of planning and work, and it lays the foundation for even more pinnacle developments. Read this blog to learn about the new v7 release!